We recently came across an issue with recent versions of Google Chrome that prevented a user from printing. The print preview screen would come up, however the print preview dialog box would never load. Clicking print is unresponsive. At times, changing the destination is unresponsive, but the main problem is that the print preview fails to load and the user is unable to print at all. We do place restrictions on Chrome, so this issue could be considered self inflicted, however, the current workaround to this issue is below:
Google Chrome Version: 98.0.4758.102 (multiple versions of Chrome 98 tested)
Windows 10 (multiple builds)
Windows 11 (multiple builds)
Google Chrome GPO “Allow access to a list of URLs” in use, allowing certain URLS, like http://*, https://*, chrome://print and a few others.
Google Chrome GPO “Block access to a list of URLs” in use, blocking *
The Print Preview dialog box will not load. It’s stuck on Loading Preview…
After inspecting the print preview, we found an additional URL that now needs added to the allow list: chrome-untrusted://print/*
We added the new URL (chrome-untrusted://print/* to the allow list GPO, ran a gpupdate /force, and closed and re-opened chrome. After this, users were able to print.
Thanks as always for the undocumented changes, Google!